land from afar.
In the beginning some 85 million years ago, located at the far reaches of our world deep within an ocean abyss , mountainous islands formed from both fire and ice.
Home to a plethora of exotic fauna & flora, life has flourished here with hospitable climates ranging from cool to warm that continues today.
Land like no other.
As a tropical continent, New Zealand has some 2,500 exotic , resilient native plant species. Most grow nowhere else and have had to adapt to varying climate extremes through the ages.
Because of this long isolation from the rest of the world and a isolated island geography, New Zealand is one of the richest bio-diverse lands on our world.
About 10–15% of the total land area of New Zealand is covered with its own native flora providing a very special environment for both flora & fauna to exist.

our duty to protect
Introduced in the early 1840's to New Zealand by early colonists, bees have flourished in this environment however today our very existence as a species now depends upon their continual survival .
Faced with harrowing threats of disease and climate change, these essential pollinator insects form the foundation of our eco system that now more than ever require our guardianship.