Independently kept by passionate apiarists, Earthend honey is procured by tradition at the far reaches of the world here in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

In an age of  decline we choose & love to keep bees given their significance to the planet by supporting the natural environment  to help plants grow, breed and produce food through pollination. Without human support and nurturing however honey bees face ultimate decline due to threats of disease, exposure to pesticides and the effects of climate breakdown making our  craft imperative to world preservation.

Wellington with its weather extremes is a unique and  challenging environment to keep bees but grants an abundance of native New Zealand  & garden botanicals. This  rich bio-diversity intern presents  complex tasting honey gifting an intriguing range of textures and properties that differ annually depending on seasonal bloom cycles.

Thank you for letting us share this essential  and ancient craft with you whether for a unique taste or well-being experience.