Tau o te Rewa Rewa - Year of the Rewa Rewa
As the second official release, we are proud to present our own signature honey, defined as 'Bush' or Multi-flora from this sunny, bush-clad and one of a kind coastal capital township.
Known for a dramatically steep & exposed coastal landscape with rich natural biodiversity, our small handful of apiaries are delicately nurtured against the wild elements here year-round to present this unique honey. Possessing up to 300+ different botanicals it is a powerful ally for general health & well-being given the nutrient-rich clay and ancient soil systems.
Delicately processed by hand this is traditional 'back yard' or free-range honey that is most importantly aged with care prior to release and most importantly un pasteurized or Raw. Additionally strong attention and time is dedicated to course filtering for full crystallization allowing the synergy of all essential pollen, propolis & nectars that our bees collect.
Not to be missed for lovers of beekeeping , independent procurement and the diverse New Zealand native forest alike we hope you enjoy.
Origin: Eastbourne, Wellington
Apiary Site(s): 2
Hive No. : 6
Batch: 108/1500 remaining
Beekeeper(s): Shamus
Processor: Sam
Year: 2018 Spring / Summer
Aged: 24 months ( 12 month Stainless tank aged , 3 month glass jar )
Flora: Multi-Flora including from resident gardens aswell as predominant native New Zealand botanicals in particular : Kāmahi, Mānuka, Kānuka , Pōhutukawa , Black Beech , Rewa Rewa
Colour: Gold , Amber Orange , Tan
Taste: Butter , orange , Toffee / caramel
Storage: Dark, cool - 8°c , Humidity 40-50 %
Health: Anti-bacterial , May provide Allergy relief , May support Immunity , Mineral Support
Pair: Goats cheese , Camembert , Pear, Sour dough or nut/seed crackers